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Bryan Arboleda

Jan 30, 2024
3 min read

Bryan's Leap: From IT Guy to Web Developer Extraordinaire

Hi, I'm John Bryan, but you can just call me Bryan—modesty aside, I am the self-proclaimed cutest developer in Montani, lol. I must confess, I've never written anything about myself and crafting a narrative about oneself is no easy task, but let's embark on a journey, starting with the evolution of my career.

John Bryan Arboleda

Bryan Arboleda

Ruby Fullstack Developer

Bryan Arboleda is a dedicated developer with a passion for coding and creating. He is a musician and an avid gamer, navigating virtual worlds and conquering challenges in the gaming realm. This combination of his love for music and video games gave him a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking in both his professional and personal pursuits.