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Eujem Mondala

Aug 31, 2023
4 min read

When Opportunities Knock, Don’t Just Let Them in– Offer Them Tea

When the pandemic hit in 2020, a lot had changed– some Filipinos had lost their source of income. Some need to halt their businesses as they need to stay at home for safety. Most corporate companies need to find ways for their company to sustain themselves. So, they implemented a skeletal workforce for running the business, and some decided to let their employees work from home. Aside from companies finding ways to survive, some Filipinos who had lost their jobs decided to find ways to sustain their needs, from selling online to becoming content creators.

Eujem taking a picture with coconut trees

Eujem Mondala

Web Implementation Specialist

Eujem is an avid web implementation specialist who finds joy in playing online games and embarking on long motorcycle rides. When he's not immersed in digital landscapes, you can find him cruising the open roads, relishing the freedom and adventure of his two-wheeled journeys.