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Kent Derrick Manalaysay

Jul 1, 2024
7 min read

Transforming My Workflow: Using the Pomodoro Technique as a Full-Stack Developer

Have you ever found yourself staring at your screen, struggling to stay productive despite the mountain of tasks that come with software development? Been there, done that. Long hours of coding, debugging marathons and never-ending backlogs can all lead to mental fatigue.

Kent Derrick Manalaysay

Kent Derrick Manalaysay

Fullstack Developer

Kent is a Ruby on Rails Developer with over six years of experience. Known for his skills in developing dynamic web applications, Kent combines his love for building great software with a commitment to thorough testing. When he’s not coding, he enjoys playing both computer and console games, traveling to new destinations, and going for scenic drives. He also cherishes spending quality time with his family and his dog, Morty.