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Carlos Abiera

Apr 1, 2024
6 min read

Manager’s Insight: Navigating Team Development in the Remote Work Era

Navigating the nuances of remote work requires not just an understanding of technology, but a deep dive into the dynamics of team development and culture. In today's rapidly evolving digital workplace, traditional models of team building are being tested and transformed.

Sep 13, 2023
3 min read

Unlocking Cross-Cultural Success

In my first endeavor to navigate the path toward understanding culture, I wrote this article two years ago. It encapsulates a sensation of distress that compels me to share it, as I’ve often felt misunderstood. Despite putting forth my utmost effort, I’ve fallen short of meeting the desired outcome. During that period, the anguish I experienced was palpable, so intense that it frequently triggered thoughts of seeking alternative employment.

Mar 13, 2023
2 min read

Managing Team Discussions: Appreciative Inquiry and Giving Feedback

Every idea has faults. In the best-case scenario, being aware of this fact can motivate the team to strive for perfection. Appreciative inquiry is a method that emphasizes strengths and positive attributes over weaknesses. Focusing too much on the flaws of an idea stifles the open and positive approach that is vital for good working culture.

Nov 24, 2022
7 min read

The Challenges of Measuring Success and Performance in an Agile Work Environment

Traditional employee evaluation processes are based on the company’s requirements and are mostly quantitative. It is owned majority by the HR or the executive board which is commonly held annually. Although it is effective in certain businesses, adopting employee evaluation in an agile working environment presents special challenges.

Apr 30, 2022
2 min read

What Do Agile Team Members Want?

Early hunter-gatherers spent only 3 to 5 hours per day on what we now call work — providing food, shelter, clothing, and tools. Fast forward to today’s world, where people work twelve hours per day, six days per week. An agile

Apr 25, 2022
6 min read

Adapting Optimal Experience in Flexible Workplace

People who are skilled and challenged at work are happier, stronger, more creative, and satisfied. Paradoxically, they would prefer to work less and spend more time doing things they enjoy because they tend to feel sad,...

Carlos Abiera the Operations Manager at Montani International Inc. Philippines

Carlos Abiera

Operations Manager

Carlos C. Abiera s currently leading the operations of Montani International Inc. a growing team of passionate designers and developers helping US tech partners. He finished his Master of Science in Information Technology. He possesses a strong passion for data science and demonstrates a natural aptitude for learning and comprehending the concept of “intention” across various domains, including search engines, social media, and work motivation. Currently, he is actively pursuing business courses as a means to advance his academic journey and pursue a doctorate degree in Management.

Join his new journey as he releases his new book Unlocking Cross-Cultural Success soon.